Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Meeting

Our next meeting is coming right up! December 13 at 8:45am until 11am. There are lots of things going on this month, we hope you will be able to join us for some Christmas fun.

Angie Delaney will be coming to speak. The topic is "Finding a Balance in Mothering." Angie is going to be helping us do just that by showing us some make-ahead-meals. We will also be working together to take home our own freezable cookie dough! Don't worry, you don't need to bring anything special. We'll have everything ready for you.

We will also be having a White Elephant Christmas Gift Exchange. Please don't go out and spend any money. Just bring your white elephant gift for the exchange. Don't really know what a white elephant gift is? Check out this explanation.

We hope to be able to spread a little bit of the Christmas Spirit to you! Remember, childcare is provided. We would love to have you!